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Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
She was seated on one of the barstools with a bottle containing cold cherry lime soda. Instead of consuming it she was staring at the bubbly contents with a blank expression.
Beautiful_Horror  105 M
Beautiful doesn't like sun very much. Gots tah go. Bye Bye. (Fades out of physical existence.)×Gone.×
Minato_Stargold  101 M
"It is definitely something I will consider" *Minato offered a warm smile*
Beautiful_Horror  105 M
(Twists neck so head is almost backwards. ) Mebby you should give nightmare. It so yummy and delicious.
Minato_Stargold  101 M
"Quite so. Despite my, good nature, I have quite the twisted side. One of my sub abilities, is sort of like giving someone nightmares. Though I hardly use that ability anymore"
Beautiful_Horror  105 M
It much funner for Beautiful to watch others having nightmares. Hee hee hee
Minato_Stargold  101 M
"If I have nightmares, my sweet, horrific friend, then whom better to consume them" *Minato said with a small smirk* "Its nothing I am not used too"
Beautiful_Horror  105 M
(A small black mushroom cloud rises on the front porch swing next to Minato ) Beautiful thinks yew should be careful. Talking to oneself ish the first step to having waking nightmares.
Minato_Stargold  101 M
-c- really" *Mumbling, she stepped lightly through the lobby, making her way towards the front door. Quietly, or as quiet as she could, Minato slipped outside to sit on the porch swing while she, enjoyed, her coffee*
Minato_Stargold  101 M
-c- parted petals, she took a sip. Katia had apparently gone to bed last night without her, leaving her alone. What's more, is she defied Minato. She had been stewing on this and couldn't sleep much* "Well, it's not like I expected any different -c-
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