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Katia_  23 M
“I know, Isamu will be quite a little handful” She giggled towards Min
Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
"Tomoe, calm down. Katia is well protected by all of us." She softly chimed while standing uncomfortably close to her husband's left side.
Ghost_-_Petal  15 M
Looks closely at Katia and sees the medallion of Bastet. Thinking to myself "This is truely the mother of the chosen one"
Minato_Stargold  101 M
[WOW! pūt ā sōçk]
Minato_Stargold  101 M
"Sweets, stay. Ichigo, ****ock in it" *She looked towards the young female* "Our son will already be human enough, I mean no disrespect to Bastet, or you, but it is our decision and ultimately, Isamu's"
Tomoe_  105 H
*The small boy's cheeks start to flush as his body temperature raised, Whilst he stayed standing protectively near Katia*
Katia_  23 M
Huffing as she heard Ichigo, Katia turned to head back inside the Inn.
Itqal  32 M
((@Ichigo 😂))
Katia_  23 M
“I decide who is present during Isamu’s birth, It will only be a couple..”
Ghost_-_Petal  15 M
Takes of my mas****aling my cat features. I put the mask on and i change into human form. "The mask is made of a special metal only those chosen can wear the mask"
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