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Sala de Chat: Thunder_Inn
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nitewatch  124 H
Smiles at Zafina
nitewatch  124 H
Winks at Kitt and Bonnie
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Gives the small packets of chilli seeds to Tomoe
nitewatch  124 H
Proudly states, my son, the business man
nitewatch  124 H
Hands the coinage to Tomoe, since this was his transaction
nitewatch  124 H
Reaches to my pouch,, extracts some gold and silver pirate coin
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
"Since you're good at gardening perhaps it would be a good idea if you could grow the chilli"
nitewatch  124 H
Tomoe has a point Azrael,, let him take a try, may I buy them?
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
"Thinks for a bit .. then gets the small packets with the chilli seeds I show Tomoe.
Tomoe_  105 H
"I could grow those peppers, Are you giving the seeds away Azrael?"
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