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Bogan  50 H
U shelias look up with me against dv domestic violence awareness
Bogan  50 H
From Sheliasbon here specially from Narelle dark and kongb
Bogan  50 H
Doing the right thing and recurve hatred and judgement even more from
Bogan  50 H
Just cause they don't like me standing up to to them I know I'm gonna regre
Bogan  50 H
Shelias on here so intent on hating judging and banning men they don't know
Bogan  50 H
Thanks for ban Narelle I tell everyone on here what I'm gonna do.
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Fingers crossed
Hopefully they ban him for longer this time
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Back from phone call smh hes been going for hours
The way you talk is filthy and tbh you are beneath me
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