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Miyu  37 M
Estllin  31 M
(We are watching Stardust and I keep getting distracted. <3 Have a great night! )
Estllin  31 M
could feel it in her bones—the watch was different. It was more than just a memento. The ticking was faint now, growing louder as if awakening from a long slumber. (Pausing the current scene here. xD ))
Estllin  31 M
Her breath came in shallow gasps as she turned it over, inspecting every **** of it, desperate for an explanation. There were no other markings, no clues, but she -
Estllin  31 M
Her mother had done something to it. She held the watch out in front of her, her hands trembling as she watched the second hand twitch again, this time shifting forward by a single tick. -
Estllin  31 M
She stood abruptly, nearly dropping the watch in her shock. Her heart raced, her mind spinning as the implications hit her like a wave. -This watch isn’t broken.- It had never been broken.-
Estllin  31 M
But now… they moved, just a fraction, like the watch had come to life in her hand. The faint pulse grew stronger, steady, like a heartbeat—one that matched her own.-
Estllin  31 M
Estllin’s breath caught in her throat as she stared at the once-frozen hands. For years, they had been stuck, unmoving, forever pointing at 3:15. -
Estllin  31 M
TYPOS. It's She*. I keep fat-finxgering my PC's keyboard tonight. Sorry for the typos.)
Estllin  31 M
How could she have missed something so obvious? She turned it over again, her breath hitching as a soft, almost imperceptible click echoed in the quiet room. The hands of the watch twitched. -
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