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Ch33kY_Ch4ppY_IV  28 H
I’m th peace reaper n I come in peace lol
Schase  26 H
The lady put both our food down n told me come get my own
Chappy u talking to me?
U raggedy ๐Ÿคกonly seen me i borrowed yo wakax crusty hood an left ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธlike ya
Schase  26 H
This big chick tried to take my food in KFC
Ch33kY_Ch4ppY_IV  28 H
Whose he copying yuh
Youbhh  27 M
I love that this room is peaceful ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Ch33kY_Ch4ppY_IV  28 H
Wats ur. Name you hooo lol
Yuh_EnVyBx  34 M
Chef is a copy cat wanna be @ cheeky
Sev it's not funny its embarrassing my mum old smh
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