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Madeshka  40 M
Il-Divino_Rickey  54 H
Moikey just mad I didn't replied to his gay advances
Madeshka  40 M
Rg quit flattering urself i think ur disgusting and i hate u so get over ur
Ch33kY_Ch4ppY_IV  28 H
lol nope, it started wiv tree gate actually
BamaGrl256  45 M
Then ignore her it's that simple ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Il-Divino_Rickey  54 H
No I'm minding my business Simply said hello everybody it's me rg1 ..
The plot being Mikey‘s gay **** wanted to role-play with him lol🤦‍♂️
Ch33kY_Ch4ppY_IV  28 H
U goin goofy? x
Ch33kY_Ch4ppY_IV  28 H
Rickay not been th same since actually lol
Il-Divino_Rickey  54 H
True if I kept ..I dnt I just reply to her hate soup ..
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