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Dark-_-Soul  29 M
"Oh Ok.. Well theres nothing to be nervous about with me" I say with a little giggle
Styx_  39 H
Um um I get nervous around females. I like them so much I I go a bit nuts.
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
"Oh I see" 🤔 "Why are you nervous?" I ask curiously
Styx_  39 H
Hewo Azrael um I'm Styx. No I'm not lost. Just nervous.
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Sees him wave then approaches him.. "Hi there, Im Azrael.. Are you lost?"
Styx_  39 H
Sees the female enter as I slowly raise my left hand and wave
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Spots the stranger looking around wondering who he was 🤔
Styx_  39 H
Hears a noise an looks around to see where it came from
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Azrael would approach the front of the inn. Gracefully lands as the Red Phoenix then changes into her human form..
Styx_  39 H
Peeks in to the room and looks around slowly and nervously.
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