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Sala de Chat: Thunder_Inn
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Ghost watch this realm ill torment him in his own room if he starts when no ops ban him and take note of all sns..
So how about you back the fug off those who know you not and fight Shangrila you pi$$ weak mf (💀💀)
I created the family and if you dont obey the rules you will be demoted as a family member..
You call yourself a master Pirrone. You aint shiit.. A master shows respect to all and helps all like stated in rule 5. You are banished from all rp as from now
As from now as far as im concerned you have to learn the hard way.. all rp will see you in your true nature you scum .. you are no longer one of us..
11:25am you were told to stay out of all rp and that all your sns are to be ignored.. As far as im concerned you will be dealt with by those in all realms and regarded as irrelevant
You were told today you are banished from the order of jugaloo's yet you chose to ignore the warning..
You do not act like a gangster as stated in rule 1. You do not attack other ppl in the family or any other person for that matter and use violence or abuse towards non family
9. Juggalos are whoever you want to be. as long as it don’t mean violence in your life!
7. A True Juggalo listens to the music and the meaning and not to mistake it for a call to violence
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