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Maryuri60372  19 M
Hi! -_^
like dem,dats WTF dey ALL in ourKidz schools tryna turn demGay tooSickMfz
See what I mean, ALL dem Nasty Motherfxckers Want us ALL to beGay
babymelt  45 M
there's no ladies here 😆
omsagro  64 H
Any ladies want to chat with swm
iHeartTacos-0_o  34 M
Dawg is emotional because he suppresses his ghay feelings.
srv4pm  38 H
I real live split licker huh
redstud1970  57
Any women want to phone play
babymelt  45 M
NastyBitch GTFOwt My Mfn face,I'm Sick of being in da Same rm w/uFaagottz
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