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Truckerdude46  54 H
I make my breakfast and everyone splits
byronpt2  62
I'll bbl. Nice to cya luv 🌹🤗 shiny side up trucker 👍
Tech-96  46 M
Truckerdude46  54 H
I been thinking bout getting a jacuzzi
byronpt2  62
Nice at that idea trucker. I'm in a condo. Top floor tho. Lots of faces
Truckerdude46  54 H
And yet I find them to close still. I need more property
Truckerdude46  54 H
I don't have neighbors close enough to even see really
byronpt2  62
Lol I use prime lots. Good channel too. Paramount+ too
luvmuffin60  61
Maybe that will help you Hotch one up,are they single
Truckerdude46  54 H
It's the cowboy hat 🤠 that makes it work really
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