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Sala de Chat: DeadndSaloon
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Lohgrey_Stargold  56
Me wubs me fambly
Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
She takes a quick peek in
ShadowHold  M
cc Police Officer. "Don't you know?"
ShadowHold  M
Police officer: "Ma'am I have to give you a citation for speeding." Woman. "Do you know who my father is?" cc
Dark-_-Soul  29 M
Azrael would fly over the Saloon in Red Phoenix form looking down at the saloon ..
Lohgrey_Stargold  56
Peeks over the ships edge,,, waves to Aunty Nymph
Nymph_  107 M
c-the bar counter, stepping around behind it, then up on her stepstool-
Nymph_  107 M
-softly sighing, she would turn around and make her way back over to c-
Lohgrey_Stargold  56
Asleep in the swinging Viking ship bed
Dude_  44 H
-lays down and falls asleep at the front door-
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