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Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
The scent of fish filtered to her greater olfactory senses. "What kind of fish is that?"
Katia_  23 M
Before she reached into her large bowl to eat another handful of fish
Katia_  23 M
“I guess..” She said with a downcast sounding tone to her voice .c
Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
She finally treaded out from the art/music room and treaded through the hall and into the dining room area, stopping near the front entryway. "Are you having a case of the doldrums, Aunty?" She inquired towards Katia.
Bonnie_Barstow  102 M
one of her legs to keep the swing moving as she was staring off ahead.
Katia_  23 M
A look out of the booth’s window.
Katia_  23 M
Letting out a small sigh as she ate the piece of fish, Kati would take .c
Zynoa_Stargold  98 M
After carefully washing the paint brushes that she had utilized and gently pulled off the smock to hook it on the coatrack nearby
Katia_  23 M
Katia let out a small burp before looking to see if anyone had heard her 😳
Katia_  23 M
As she reached into her bowl to to eat another chunk of cooked salmon .c
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