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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 H
House-Money - 2024-07-01
This is when Jim crow was born
House-Money - 2024-07-01
So you bigots watched years of racism against.blk ppl and only wanted things changed when a bigot started complaining. Lol you watched blacks only bathrooms and said nothing you saw red lining said nothing unfair housing said nothing and it wasn't until the civil rights act of 1965 you became upset
Mexicana666 - 2024-07-01
If you ask me, they're trying to take us back to a time previous to 1890.
 40 M
House-Money - 2024-07-01
You 1st pretended it was just the the Democratic party. Then it was only southern states when it was the entire country Republicans and Democrats you pretend the lie you live is someone else's fault
supereddie - 2024-07-01
House-money I see are black people voting for Trump. And no one told them to. Biden cause everything to go up when he forced gas to go up. He was set on everyone buying electric cars. And no we don't sell more oil today that's another democrat lie. He closed down work on the Canadian pipe line cause he knew that would lower gas price. Then he went throw trillions and causing inflation to go up. That is why blacks want Trump back. They can remember how good they had it with Trump you can't
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-07-01
And months ago I was at the home Depot the black girl at the check out saw my Trump cap and told me she was voting for Trump too.
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-07-01
Biden didn't just cause groceries to go up. He made everything go up. People can't go out to eat anymore. Restaurants Are closing left and right.
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-07-01
Even Mexicana has better sense than to vote for Joe Biden. Trump mopped the floor with him at the debate.
 67 H
Stalin21 - 2024-07-01
Silly old man
supereddie - 2024-07-01
Stalin your the only silly one. Getting bussed around everywhere you go.
 67 H

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