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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-04-28
And you brag about the stuff you think you know. Only proves you don't know squat. Education can not give you common sense.
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-04-28
Believe me Stalin if I could give you the gift of common sense I would. But that is a gift only the good lord can give you.
 67 H
x_zamez_x - 2024-04-28
Funny story eddie
 49 H
Stalin21 - 2024-04-28
Stop lying. Name one country Soros has bankrupted. You don't have any common sense; just lies, prejudice and racism. I am way above your pitiful levels of ignorance and stupidity. And way above your homeless lifestyle. You'll never be more than the crazy old loser that everyone laughs at
supereddie - 2024-04-28
All the ones that no longer allow him in their countries. That is the only hint I will give you. Now go find out for yourself. Your the educated man and all
 67 H
Davidpeterson30 - 2024-04-28
George Soros believes in world order. He actually funded Barack Obama and was behind the scenes trying to make sure they followed what he wanted
supereddie - 2024-04-28
I tell you what you gift me a new MAGA HAT. and I will tell you the countries. You can't beat that deal
 67 H
Stalin21 - 2024-04-28
You're just a lying old fascist who got owned again
supereddie - 2024-04-28
David you can't tell these guys nothing they worship Soros
 67 H
Davidpeterson30 - 2024-04-28
He made big money on England in 1992

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