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The Elon Muck Report
PDG-1619 - Hace 13 minutos
White America still gave this racist his due process. They still acted like he did nothing wrong. News flash the state has audio evidence of Trump trying to steal a election. It won't take 20 minutes to find him guilty
supereddie - Hace 12 minutos
Oh man I just found out Biden said no one is allowed to say the Trump trial was rigged. Dang I have said it a bunch of times. The FBI could be on the way to my suburban to arrest me. I have just become a domestic terrorist. What should I do try to run and miss out on getting my trailer
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 9 minutos
PDG there is no audio evidence so stop saying it. Man you just come up with the wildest tales on here I ever heard.
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Daretobdifferent - Hace 7 minutos
So a jurors name TM? Can't do it can you. Lol
 55 H
supereddie - Hace 5 minutos
Dare have you been drinking
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PDG-1619 - Hace 5 minutos
Chuck Todd displayed the very sickness that got us here. Chuck Todd said Biden is in a conundrum he has to be careful and not to be more polarizing and do what he fail to do in bringing the country together. That is a lopsided way of thinking. Why is Biden in a conundrum? He hasn't been convicted and if this was Biden Trump and every wrong way thinking American would be saying I'm not voting for a criminal
PDG-1619 - Hace 2 minutos
The fn end lol therefore Trump is disqualified and anyone who is white blk red brown yellow is throwing away a vote when voting for a fraud and a felon
PDG-1619 - Hace 34 segundos
Now play stupid and continue throwing away your vote. Lol independents are 65% not likely to vote for a felon lmmfao
supereddie - Hace 28 segundos
PDG at this point the people will vote for a criminal just to get rid of Biden. That man is worse than the COVID virus was on the country
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Stalin21 - Hace 10 segundos
No audio evidence?! You can hear it online. Silly old man

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