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People are angry.
House-Money - Hace 2 horas
Really lol even if Biden supporters will vote for Biden even if he dies. See our future runs through Biden dummy
House-Money - hace 1 hora
As we listen to media you quickly see how white supremacy has a hold on America. They are now trying to get Joe Biden to drop out of the race while systematically telling you the VP is more under water then the President. All this while brainwashed bigots hold up a fn trial on a convict. Lmmfao we are watching racist place a narrative in the mind of a anything thinking person
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Instead of being angry a anything thinking lying bigot got to spew lies to white ppl and did it while standing on stage next to the President is what is really dispicable yet brainwashed ppl only see what the bigot wants them to.
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Jimmy instead of worrying about Biden age and memory try listening to what a lying bigot is actually saying
House-Money - hace 1 hora
He told you in your fn face he is responsible for the overturn of Roe and so far he is 0 and 9 yet brainwashed bigots honestly believe they are winning. The election was over when you nominated a 93 count indicted man and since you are sick morally and mentally you have no idea
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Biden forgot to tell him America doesn't work like he thinks it does. 1 no President can get you convicted and every brainwashed bigot knows this yet uses the lie to wedge being white with what is happening to him. It works on racist ppl
House-Money - hace 1 hora
They use it to create phoney outrage they use a damn lie like you won a debate you didn't answer 1 question correctly you lied about everything but your name and they never asked your fn name
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Ppl are pretending there is a crisis when the crisis is 34 felonies and prison
SICK-WITTED - Hace 22 minutos
Your pretending those felonies are a crisis when the truth is, your guy failed for 4 years and can't even put together a coherent sentence anymore.
 54 H
SICK-WITTED - Hace 22 minutos
Put Jill Biden in prison for elder abuse, making Joe run again
 54 H

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