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People are angry.
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Notice how quiet Trump has been. Notice how Joe is going everywhere calling Trump a sexual preditor
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Media is paid not to air it. Trump abused someone in a dressing room
House-Money - hace 1 hora
20 million not to tell
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Trump lied on appraisal forms he lied on taxes he has lied to white ppl over and over he even lied to white pastors and clergy
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Trump spit in their face then sold the congregation a Bible
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Lmmfao he actually stole funds from ACN
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Trump air failed Trump steaks fail Trump water fail so the grift becam3 his life
House-Money - hace 1 hora
After all that failing America media is trying to get me to believe any of that beats defending Democracy and the rule of law. You are a anti American anything thinking person who loves living a damn lie. Trump is only winning in the mind of ppl who litterally are radicalized to the point they no longer see good or bad right or wrong you see a lie and run face first into it.
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Cbit smearing should have made any sane American run the other way. Shuffling feet slow to react beats evil any fn day. Trump has lost because 34 felony convictions disqualified him. Standing behind the American seal and lying to the ppl disqualified him while he was President
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Anyone signing on to VP is committing litteral suicide

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