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People are angry.
Tower7-G - Hace 48 minutos
He knows he wouldn't tolerate that out of someone who isn't white. He knows that is what this election about. You want to erase the history of blk ppl you want slavery look at as job training where you learned how to farm smh the bigot used parlay smh and white ppl actually gave it validity
Tower7-G - Hace 45 minutos
The Supreme Court turned back affirmative action just to push white grievance
Tower7-G - Hace 44 minutos
Blk women aren't allowed to pool funds to further business interest
Tower7-G - Hace 42 minutos
It is racist against women who aren't blk lol they found that law way back in 1880's
Tower7-G - Hace 41 minutos
Alito thinks he can blame the media
Tower7-G - Hace 40 minutos
Alito being a brainwashed bigot is easy to spot
Tower7-G - Hace 39 minutos
You flew a American flag upside down. It all but proved you are a brainwashed bigot
silly-willy - Hace 16 minutos
Mental midget.
Tower7-G - Hace 12 minutos
Dummy you got blown out. The entire sides with my point of view. You got Russia Hungary lol Iran and China
Tower7-G - Hace 11 minutos

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