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People are angry.
SICK-WITTED - Hace 10 horas
Can you say "crazy"?
 54 H
House-Money - Hace 9 horas
Nope I say real G
House-Money - Hace 9 horas
If you don't believe me Trump stood and radicalized white ppl for 90 minutes. He had no intention on telling the truth. The minute he knew there was none fact checking he knew he could flood the zone with lies about Hispanics and the border. The bigot did it over and over kind of like how I call you brainwashed bigot
House-Money - Hace 9 horas
Over and over so it sinks in. You and the way you think is the problem. Example.only a brainwashed bigot pretends the charges came after he declared his run not.before
House-Money - Hace 9 horas
Only a brainwashed bigot sees Trump as strong not crazy
House-Money - Hace 9 horas
Let me help you. Polling shows independent moved towards Biden lmmfao bigots are in shock they thought he was out
House-Money - Hace 9 horas
To win a debate you must tell the truth dummy
silly-willy - Hace 9 horas
Biden has a problem even doing that, mental midget. But keep making things up as you go along, it's funny watching you squirm and rant like a mental midget
SICK-WITTED - Hace 8 horas
Lol @ "the truth" 🫵😆👈 when has a Democrat ever?
 54 H
SICK-WITTED - Hace 8 horas
Lmao @ your partisan ways
 54 H

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