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People are angry.
House-Money - Hace 2 días
White America knows it is and will be a brutal loss and most of you feel it is justified
House-Money - Hace 9 horas
Notice how quiet Trump is. Notice how his lawyers are confusing the public. Notice how anything thinking ppl can't decide what a official act is
House-Money - Hace 9 horas
It isn't a official act to pay someone something to be quiet. It isn't a official act to use FedEx in the delivery of that so called official act
SICK-WITTED - Hace 8 horas
 54 H
House-Money - Hace 6 horas
Hey boys and girls the patriot front is now barking lol these brainwashed bigots forgot who is American and who isn't
House-Money - Hace 6 horas
The confederacy lost ppl stop the steal is a modified version of white ppl being confused and unable to react to reality
House-Money - Hace 6 horas
You can say Joe is old. You can say he makes mistakes but you can't say he doesn't love America dummy. See Trump is anti American
House-Money - Hace 6 horas
He thinks the city is rat infested
House-Money - Hace 6 horas
He thinks filthy ppl dwell there. He has made being homeless a crime
silly-willy - Hace 6 horas
Mental midget is proof positive of this.

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