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People are angry.
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
This moment in American history defines what is and what isn't American you don't have a choice
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
If you woke up this morning and you are still a proud American and you still support Trump you might not be a true American
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
They have a cooperation problem lol the GOP is looking for a escape hatch where non exist They are turning on Trump because they don't want to spend the rest of their life in jail
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
Georgia is about to blow the lid off the fake elector schem.
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
I'm still waiting for Wisconsin to move. For the GOP to pretend nothing happen in Wisconsin
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
Why isn't the GOP going for the juggler on Trump? You are going ro lose a election because you are Married to a dumb az anything thinking point of view? It won't matter who you nominate you won't win because you are anti American
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
The media isn't telling you because you are white. See white people are the only group who gets to act anti American and pretend they are more American then you are. Trump can scream tear up the constitution install me and the Media pretends it is abnormal but not quite anti American and we all know why
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
The GOP is in the war room practicing talking points on how to spin this as something that helps Trump
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
It doesn't matter how high his poll numbers are it is a worthless measurement of the prediction he is in. All the lies in the world won't help him. He can subtly say things lie distort brainwash and he will still be sent to prison
GOP-slayer - 2023-08-15
No Mitt no McCarthy no McConnell no McDaniels no one claiming to be Republican has anything to say. You went mute because the base of the Republican party is at stake. They go away you lose every state in the union

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