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Well Hello
Jewish4evax - Hace 4 horas
In a public forum ppl can enter as any topics. Sorry, but that's the way it goes.
Jewish4evax - Hace 4 horas
In a public forum ppl can enter as any topics. Sorry, but that's the way it goes.
Jewish4evax - Hace 4 horas
So what's about the threads I made about that racist. I see your team did a fine job of forcing that pro in early retirement nah, once u told me to mind my biz, it reminded me of the hypocrisy that your team has. Not interested.
Jewish4evax - Hace 4 horas
So what's about the threads I made about that racist. I see your team did a fine job of forcing that pro in early retirement nah, once u told me to mind my biz, it reminded me of the hypocrisy that your team has. Not interested.
Jewish4evax - Hace 4 horas
This has nothing to do about Dare. It's about dictatorship. I'm uncomfortable with it. Bottom line, u guys created and currently create all this. Should I mention the past like u do, regarding Stalin. Ok, Okie Mike didn't appreciate your dictatorship either. Another user recently called u out for bringing up his name. That's what little grade school girls do.
Jewish4evax - Hace 4 horas
This has nothing to do about Dare. It's about dictatorship. I'm uncomfortable with it. Bottom line, u guys created and currently create all this. Should I mention the past like u do, regarding Stalin. Ok, Okie Mike didn't appreciate your dictatorship either. Another user recently called u out for bringing up his name. That's what little grade school girls do.
Daretobdifferent - Hace 4 horas
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Thelonelyguy - Hace 2 horas

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