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Took a pic of my raspberry bushes...
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
Yeah lay banana pills on top of the ground by the raspberry trunk and when you water the potassium from the banana peels goes into the soil it is an excellent source of fertilizer natural fertilizer that is little buddy.
 48 H
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
Same way with roses use banana peels as your fertilizer.
 48 H
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
And the reason why you don't want to water them in the daytime is because you want your pollinators to land on the flowers that are not berries yet bees love raspberry bushes little buddy.
 48 H
Cherokee-bill - 2024-05-22
Or invite the ground hogs to come dig up ur plants ...
 28 H
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
I'll take a picture of my raspberry bushes around July and show you how big my raspberry bushes get I usually get about 3 lb off of each Bush per year.
 48 H
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
Groundhogs I don't have no groundhogs in my yard groundhogs in the mountains live on the plains are Open Fields I do got rabbits though them little busters be just grubbing up all my stuff and of course the squirrels but they don't mess with the raspberry bush because of the thorns but them squirrels will eat everything else in my yard.
 48 H
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
So I got red apple green apple mulberry raspberry grapevine strawberry and rhubarb chocolate mint spearmint peppermint and then I've also grow my own herbs and spices like sage and oregano this year I planted some Red Hot chili peppers.
 48 H
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
Just trust me with the banana peels little buddy you will be amazed at the end of the season
 48 H
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
I'm thinking about planting the Peachtree not sure yet it's kind of hard to grow those in my area.
 48 H
Cel6 - 2024-05-22
Can't believe little buddy you ain't never heard of or seen yellow raspberries.
 48 H

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