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Well Hello
Mz_Lynn75 - Hace 2 minutos
Ur both petty oh u been on here 8 hours u were right here with me Eva.
 49 M
Daretobdifferent - Hace 1 minutos
Don't ever stop being so pretty Eva✌️👍 lol
 55 H
Jewish4evax - Hace 1 minutos
M, Ok, I'm petty if u say so. But we both were here all day.
Daretobdifferent - Hace 1 minutos
Eight hours🦍✌️😀
 55 H
Mz_Lynn75 - Hace 1 minutos
I corrected it Gorilla now go cut ur long dirty fingernails for Eva.
 49 M
Jewish4evax - Hace 1 minutos
Aww thanks,
Mz_Lynn75 - Hace 52 segundos
U nasty pos
 49 M
Mz_Lynn75 - Hace 36 segundos
Both of ya
 49 M
Mz_Lynn75 - Hace 25 segundos
 49 M
Partycharlie - Hace 8 segundos
Eva you see my profile not bragging you see tho I got friends of all race and in my family I' don't waste my time hating a person because of the color of their skin I think some do that don't even like them self what a sad way to go out and blame others for way their life is.
 59 H

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