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People are angry.
PDG-1619 - Hace 7 horas
SICK-WITTED - Hace 5 horas
Why are all the democrats online such fascist thinking victims of cognitive dissonance? 🤪👈 if you can't handle contrary opinion without needing to vent online, WHY BE HERE? GET THERAPY! 🫵😃
 54 H
Partycharlie - Hace 5 horas
That kind of sound back ward to me sick your party can't even except the fact trump lost and that's been years ago and gop be doing it to themselves like trump is and his former lawyer know trump well He went to jail why not trump it's only right no one above the law
 59 H
Partycharlie - Hace 5 horas
It is what it is!
 59 H
SICK-WITTED - Hace 5 horas
Charlie you obviously live on airg and not on the wider web that the rest of us can see. Go on other social media, where all the discussions are run by libs that can't tolerate any pushback and are propagandist about their "shows". 🤪👈 your ignorance is amazing
 54 H
SICK-WITTED - Hace 5 horas
The "oh you're conservative" = mute. Erase comments. Boot from room. All while disparaging them and trying to place them in line with the extremist right. 🤪👈
 54 H
Partycharlie - Hace 4 horas
Lol I am wow! You sound upset trump losing in court I understand awwwwww lmao bright day are coming supporting trump and think it's gonna happen you just kidding your self.How is putting him back in office gonna make America great again? That's backwards and stupid
 59 H
Partycharlie - Hace 4 horas
I'm on and off here you on here all the time I wonder when you do work or spend time with your family and like Eddie you living a lie and to make it worse you still believe trump lies that is down right stupid when some of his supporters did woke the heck up
 59 H
Partycharlie - Hace 4 horas
 59 H
Partycharlie - Hace 4 horas
Biden Harris 2024! Jack Smith 2024!(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m)(m):D
 59 H

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