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People are angry.
PDG-1619 - Ayer
She admitted he attempted a coup and still with a straight face said he only tried. How fn sick is that? He only tried? This all but proves she is a anything thinking magabigot
PDG-1619 - Ayer
She thinks woke is more dangerous than fascism lol Trump never leaving doesn't even cross her mind she pretended project.2025 is just a wish list lol dummy it is white supremacy
PDG-1619 - Ayer
Trump is about to be found guilty on all charges they have a verdict ppl
PDG-1619 - Ayer
34 counts with a audio confession and signature finger print to boot
PDG-1619 - Ayer
Lying and pretending you didn't know with audio proof is a fn checkmate dummy
PDG-1619 - Ayer
The hold put didn't materialize did it? Lmmfao
PDG-1619 - Ayer
What happen dummies? Guilty on all charges because he admitted on tape dummies
PDG-1619 - Ayer
Now continue hiding from reality
PDG-1619 - Hace 2 horas
It looks like the GOP is hiding lmmfao 34 guilty charges will turn you into a right wing track star
PDG-1619 - Hace 2 horas
Ppl like Megan Kelly feel like fools

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