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Any vacation plans
ComediAnne - Hace 2 días
Being retired I'm on permanent vacation LOL I'll just be doing what I normally do but with it being summertime I will be outdoors a lot. Most days I'm out somewhere for live music and now with it being summertime there are many outdoor concerts, events, festivals and County fairs.
 66 M
Mexicana666 - Hace 2 días
My uncle has severe autism and his cancer is very advanced. Doctors have been trying for awhile to get it to go into remission, but with this infection, it looks like he's not going to be long for this world. We're going to see about getting him into a medical care facility nearby so my grandpa can spend more time with him before he goes. This will be three uncles all from one side of the family.😒
 40 M
Jewish4eva2024xx - Hace 2 días
Oh, Mexi. I am so sorry. I'm here if u need a shoulder. For real. Difficult news to absorb. Sorry
Jewish4eva2024xx - Hace 2 días
I lost 2 Uncles and 1 aunt has terminal cancer on one side of my family. Mexi, it's so sad. This particular side is close.
Jewish4eva2024xx - Hace 2 días
Annie, u like your outdoor music 🎢🎢 You would be a blast to hang with!
Jos4 - Hace 2 días
That's terrible news, Mexi, enjoy the time you have with them, savour the good memories.
Jos4 - Hace 2 días
It's currently winter here and school holidays, I was supposed to be having a week all to myself, but then of course family is in need again so no time to myself yet.
ComediAnne - Hace 2 días
So sorry mex 😒
 66 M

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