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Sassygirljill - Hace 2 días
What is it?
Cel6 - Hace 2 días
Ohhhhhhh Nooooooo Jill' is your husband treating you bad again? I say dump him and go with that guy that's trying to hit on you at your job.
 48 H
Djack7-18 - Hace 2 días
It's a word.
Sassygirljill - Hace 2 días
No my dad is actually. But I'm accused of being a narcissist. I looked it up and there is a tually 8 categories of a narcissist.
Cel6 - Hace 2 días
Oh that's an easy fix then Jill just put your dad in the nursing home then he can't be mean to you no more problem solved.
 48 H
Djack7-18 - Hace 2 días
There's 8 types? Maybe to a dime store psychologist looking to sell books. In objective reality, there's 2 types. Grandiose and Vulnerable.
Sassygirljill - Hace 2 días
That's what the internet says djack.
Sassygirljill - Hace 2 días
Tell us what you know about it djack
Sassygirljill - Hace 2 días
No cel if that guy doesn't care about my relationship he obviously won't care about his own relationship.
Djack7-18 - Hace 2 días
Ya, I don't know that much about it. DSM5 is now using the cluster A B and C theory. So it's a Cluster B personality disorder now. Not a mental illness. That's all I know.
Mexicana666 - Hace 2 días
My grandma is a narcissist. Introduce them to each other.
 40 M

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