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The Elon Muck Report
Djack7-18 - Hace 12 minutos
The facts are so ambiguous as to support any type of theory, Eddie. Maybe he thought Trump was a sellout. Maybe he registered as a Republican to vote against him in the primary. Maybe maybe maybe. We don't know. We don't have enough facts to know.
Djack7-18 - Hace 11 minutos
Sometimes, it's just better to wait until you have more information. This is one of those times.
silly-willy - Hace 9 minutos
Well, to be fair I was reading a story last night about it and it did say the kid gave 15 dollars to Liberal campaign once and he was a registered Republican. As far as I am concerned, it's just one less lunatic on the loose.
GOP-slayer - Hace 9 minutos
Hole in your muffin type Republicans are very angry. They saw a lying az anything thinking point of view get slapped around like a rag doll. We don't care if you are mad. Tell your man to stop disrespecting America immediately.. The next right wing insult may be your last
Partycharlie - Hace 8 minutos
What happened prove trump is a danger to us all.just like Jan 6 what happened was because of trump Eddie yes I blame trump someone else lost their life their you would think that would be a wake up call for the trump supporter s just like thousands of people die under trump watch and you think that's ok Eddie WOW!
 59 H
Partycharlie - Hace 8 minutos
Trump is the problem
 59 H
silly-willy - Hace 7 minutos
They said he had no I.D. and had to identify him by DNA, I wonder how in the bleep did they get all this info so quick? How was the lunatic able to get within shooting range un-challenged?
GOP-slayer - Hace 5 minutos
Ask hin to stop being racist against immigrants tell him to stop radicalizing white ppl tell him to ask to proud boys to stand down
silly-willy - Hace 5 minutos
Trump is a problem, so is Joe. We need better choices.
silly-willy - Hace 4 minutos
Trump is radicalizing the Obama coalition again? WOW! He is all powerful, isn't he, mental midget?

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