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The Elon Muck Report
super-eddie - hace 1 hora
That was funny to watch how jill had to help Joe get off the stage after the debate. Luckily he don't fall as much going down steps as he does going up them
 67 H
super-eddie - hace 1 hora
Just watched a hurricane report on the storm. It's could do anything right now. We will know more after it passes Jamaica they said.
 67 H
DareToBe - hace 1 hora
Funny to watch Trump's lies fall flat again to.
 55 H
Djack7-18 - hace 1 hora
There's a massive wind shear it's gunna smash into and have to pass thru, Eddie. That's gunna pretty much kill it. No models show it emerging as a hurricane.
DareToBe - hace 1 hora
Stop spoiling TM's excuses Djack.
 55 H
Djack7-18 - hace 1 hora
This is the earliest we've ever had a CAT 5. Ocean temps are breaking records. Bet this hurricane season is brutal.
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Poo poo the word is the Supreme Court lost you everything public opinion has turned on ya. I think the tape of each and everyone of them saying no President is above the law and this decision has you in a anti American box you can't escape
Djack7-18 - hace 1 hora
I'm 240 miles off the coast, so Hurricanes don't bother me. I'm still close enough to profit off the destruction, tho.
House-Money - hace 1 hora
The court is broken thr public has lost all faith in their decisions the judge in DC is about to show you
Im-TIGER - Hace 15 minutos

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