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The Elon Muck Report
Djack7-12 - Hace 7 horas
Maybe this one has a door.
Djack7-12 - Hace 7 horas
You better crawl on the ground and look at the floor and the frame. Those things are notorious for rotting out. Make certain it will support you.
supereddie - Hace 6 horas
Djack I have worked for door companies I been hanging doors of all kinds most of my life. Putting door on that trailer would be childs play for me.
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 6 horas
Most trailers do have bad floors it's the material they use. Have you seen the price of plywood lately. It's outrageous. I used 5/8s for the floor in that house I built for my brother. But I had the floor joist on 16" centers
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 6 horas
The building code here in Houston has everything on 16. No more 2foot
 67 H
Terry_Toons - Hace 5 horas
Hey Eddie hope you're well, bit of a bummer about not getting the truck, I don't have a creddit card either, I don't believe in them, U are right it does make it difficult to rent stuff tho. You could have 5 grand in your pocket but they won't let ya. Motels and hotels are like that, despite what someone else says I believe ya.
Terry_Toons - Hace 5 horas
Anyhoo I'm sure you'll work something out, good luck with that and all the best. Toot-a-loo
Terry_Toons - Hace 4 horas
Oh yeah, sorry about what happened to your guy Trump, looks like you best turn him over he's done, you might have to be prepared to let him go, it's all over red rover. Anyhoo sayonara
supereddie - Hace 5 minutos
Thanks tunes oh I mean Terry. Yeah you need a credit card if for nothing else to build your credit up. I might go with options 2 the other trailer I found. But it's old and he gone from 2000 down to 550 now. I don't mind working to fix it up. It's the only way you can get one cheap. But the one my friend was going to sell me was nice inside I sure wanted it. But that dang gooseneck throwed me a curve.
 67 H
HuevoLek - Hace 3 minutos a dealer, they must have people who deliver goosenecks.
 59 H

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