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People are angry.
Jim_Acosta - 2023-07-10
And you say nothng about him letting that kind of intel out on national t.v. so even China knows about it now which places America in danger.
Jim_Acosta - 2023-07-10
You're problem is that you use this to bathe and do laundry with...maybe even dink it.
House-Money - 2023-07-10
Let me help you. The more you embrace a fraud the more the middle has firmly planted themselves with the Democratic party
House-Money - 2023-07-10
You win the nut vote and lose the rational vote
House-Money - 2023-07-10
Example Trump has wedged the Christian right into supporting him.
House-Money - 2023-07-10
He took the Dobbs decision and beat them over the head with it when he lost and no red wave appeared then praised it after bigots took hold and wedged their wrong way thinking ideas with Christian values
SICK-WITTED - 2023-07-10
What a deflection! 😃👍
 54 H
House-Money - 2023-07-10
House-Money - 2023-07-10
Deflection? Dog that is a unmitigated fact look it up
House-Money - 2023-07-10
Trump has destroyed the mind of anyone who supports him. They are all a brainwashed cult

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