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Well Hello
Jewish4evax - Hace 2 horas
Come on, Terry. U gotta be fair. Stalin said it once but he likes Dare and has no ill will towards him. He said it on passing. Dare didn't start this fight on his own. All of us should take responsibility and hold accountability. That includes u and I as well, Terry. U say u wanna leave stuff in the past, and start a new. Let's do it. I've decided to let Missy and Dare fight. Only those 2 cam resolve it. So,.let's please start over. All of us
Daretobdiferent - hace 1 hora
Dare didn't start any fight. And Dare isn't fighting. Quite frankly the two of them like to have their little trys but I've been quite happy stirring the stew back at times. Bit if you think I'm going to give respect to two that went out of their way to spread as many lies as those two have, you've got to be kidding. I've told everyone my problem with Tharonce. He's a creepy that I outed. Rusty makes me laugh but she really hasn't got a clue what reality is outside a chat site. But good on her.
 55 H
Daretobdiferent - hace 1 hora
And for all the emotional comments they make on this site about generally anyone that doesn't bow down to their supreme holiness is ripe for the picking in their books. Tharonce can try to manipulate all he likes, but it's quite funny the image he tries to portray when I most certainly know what he's really like. But anyhoo maybe he will learn I'm not his mate and really he can fall off the earth. Best thing ever for him. Make a lot of young women feel safer. That's a fact.
 55 H
Daretobdiferent - hace 1 hora
As far as anyone else on here besides those two party on Wayne, party on garth 🤪
 55 H
Terry_Toons - Hace 10 minutos
And look at him go, paragraphs of playing the victim. He even mentioned on Eddie's thread that he was talking about me, and yet 3 days ago he lied and said that he doesn't mention Missy and myself.
Terry_Toons - Hace 7 minutos
He mentioned on Eddie's thread that he had mentioned me on this thread. And he calls me a liar and a hypocrite. lol Fact is he is the resident bully. He not only goes after Missy, me but RH as well as Eddie and David. Some of the things he said to Eddie was downright despicable, show some respect punk.
Terry_Toons - Hace 5 minutos
And and Eva mind kindly mind your own business thank you, you are obviously backing him as usual. As for Stalin's comment, you weren't there, you don't know the context it was made in. I'll tell you...
Cel65 - Hace 5 minutos
And look at you paragraph after paragraph being The devil's advocate TT chasing dare around again.
 59 H
Cel65 - Hace 2 minutos
Wake up Missy time to go to the dog park one of your other buddies is already at the park
 59 H
Terry_Toons - Hace 1 minutos
I got sick of his petty squabbling so I left for 2 days, I came back and I just ignored him but D kept poking the bear, I kept ignoring it for about 2 more days, then Stalin came into a thread I was in and said "you know you are right, Dare is obsessed with you" *now idc what you believe, knowing you you won't believe that of your precious Dare but it's true, it's all true, he's a bully.

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