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Burgerian Imperative part 3
Mexicana666 - 2024-05-01
Mexi's sister Smiley's cat Sassy comes in and upon seeing the spilled popcorn licks her lips. The cat starts to eat the spilled popcorn, much to Domebell's dismay.
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-01
"No, Sassy, popcorn isn't for kitties!" Domebell says and attempts to scare the Sassy away from the popcorn. Domebell soon learns how dangerous Sassy can be as Sassy snarls, hisses and swipes at her. (Sassy is mean in real life, btw)
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-01
Thinking quickly, Silent Bob grabs an empty trashcan and traps the angry cat, saving Domebell from Sassy's wrath.
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-01
Domebell gives Silent Bob a big smooch on the cheek as a thank you. Meanwhile, Sassy fights with the trashcan as Mexi suddenly starts doing Sassy's talking for her. "Let me out of this thing you (bleeping) human! I'm a mean (bleeping) cat! I want my nipnip! Gimme my nipnip to go with my popcorn dammit!"😹
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-01
Sassy does get aggressive over catnip in real life.🤷
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-01
Silent Bob pushes the trashcan into a closet and closes the door. The instant the door closes, the trashcan is heard hitting the door as Sassy attacks it.😹 Deadpool panics from inside the trashcan he's been crammed into.🤣 "What the (bleep) was that? Are we under attack?"🤣
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-02
In response, Domebell and Tacobell both beat their tiny fists on the trashcan Deadpool is still crammed into. Deadpool panics and the trashcan rolls into a wall, then careens off and hits Nurse Juggslowski, waking up the ditzy nurse.
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-02
"OMG, Pooly Wooly, are you ok?" Nurse Juggslowski asks.
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-02
"We're under attack!" comes Deadpool's muffled voice. "Help me outta this thing!"
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Mexicana666 - 2024-05-02
"Oh my God! We're under attack?! I'll get you out somehow!" Nurse Juggslowski says while trying to figure out how to free the merc with a mouth.🤣
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