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The Elon Muck Report
Nanajillx2 - Hace 5 horas
Do they have uber, lyft or mta here you live Eddie?
Nanajillx2 - Hace 5 horas
I know alot of ppl who don't have a drivers license. More common than you think.
Tower7-G - Hace 2 horas
Are you starting to understand the fact you have no chance at winning?
Jewish4evaxx - Hace 2 horas
Jill is right 👍. Also, sometimes there are smaller buses that pick u up right at ur home. Either free or a couple bucks.
Jewish4evaxx - Hace 2 horas
Eddie, I know u want your own place. I just wish u had the comfort of an apt.
Djack7-18 - hace 1 hora
The better you live, the higher your threshold for happiness. Things that the rest of us take for taking a dump in a real toilet and flushing it away like magic... can't bring us the joy that it would to someone who craps in a bucket most of the time. Happiness is relative.
Nanajillx2 - Hace 19 minutos
Also be careful she might pin something on you. Trust nobody.
Tower7-G - Hace 6 minutos
The ppl have realized the Trump movement is anti American
Tower7-G - Hace 3 minutos
Everything about a Trump supporter is anti American the only thing they represent about being American is they are white. They don't believe in the truth or science or the rule of law. They simply wedge white ppl into believing they aren't for Democracy. You quit on Democracy the moment you figured out you can't win elections
Tower7-G - Hace 32 segundos
If you can watch a right wing bigot try and tell a sick mob to leave the capital and couldn't bring himself to say law breaking would not be tolerated. He instead said I love you. Then everyday since called chit smearers hostages. He lost the election that day.

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