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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - Hace 44 minutos
Yes they have them set up their tables at the border and tell the illegal immigrants sign up to vote here. Just make up an address we will vote for you. We just need your name to put on the ballots we got plenty of works to fill out your ballots for you.
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Stalin21 - Hace 43 minutos
Do you never get tired of being a laughing stock?
supereddie - Hace 30 minutos
Stalin it's not me they are laughing at. It's you. Your always the last one to know anything
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supereddie - Hace 27 minutos
They are just now discovering thing I told y'all about 3 years ago. They are also starting to thing the coronavirus was let out on purpose just so democrats could use it to win the election. I told y'all that 3 years ago.
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Stalin21 - Hace 27 minutos
Nope. It's definitely you with your unoriginal lies and ridiculous childish cartoon fantasies. Haven't you noticed how everyone calls you a liar? Silly old man
supereddie - Hace 25 minutos
See Stalin my intelligence is so far above your. That it's like a super power.
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supereddie - Hace 24 minutos
Nope what I have said that you call lies have come true. Do try to keep up Stalin. No wonder everyone is laughing at you
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supereddie - Hace 23 minutos
Look fella I need to get on up and get some things done.
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Stalin21 - Hace 22 minutos
Hardly. You may be slightly above average intelligence, although that's debatable. I can only surmise that you're so lonely and desperate for attention that you don't care about being laughed at so long as someone notices you
TELLY_BEANS - Hace 18 minutos
Hi idea, hope that you are staying cool and out of the sun. Make sure you drink plenty of water, keep hydrated.

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