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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - 2022-12-12
FBI interfered in the election
 67 H
Djack7-18 - 2024-05-13
The big switcheroo happened because of FDR. It was nothing recent.
Djack7-18 - 2024-05-13
They were also closet Jew haters, and damned them all to eternity in hell for not accepting Jesus as their savior, even tho by old testament doctrine, Jesus never fulfilled the prophecy of the Messiah.
Djack7-18 - 2024-05-13
Blasphemy! Jesus will fulfill the prophecy when he returns! Believe it, or you'll be damned too! Because God loves you.
supereddie - 2024-05-13
Djack you only need look at the record and you see Reagan was as sorry a president as most Democrats are. He caused all the small banks to close and made way for the big banks to take over. So never try to compare that has been actor to the Mighty Trump
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-05-13
I'm not much of Jews either but they have a right to live in peace without having rockets shot at them from Palestine.
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-05-13
Besides your girlfriend Eva claims to be a Jew herself.
 67 H
Stalin21 - 2024-05-13
You have no idea about the situation in the middle east. You just parrot white right and Christian fundamentalist nonsense which is essentially warmed over Israeli extremist propaganda
supereddie - 2024-05-13
Stalin I don't need to hear your leftists propaganda. You shame yourself good enough with any help from me
 67 H
supereddie - 2024-05-13
Truth bounces off you like bullets bounce off superman.
 67 H
Stalin21 - 2024-05-13
Nope. I actually have some understanding of the issues at play. Whether it be from study or living and working in the region. Whereas you know nothing, which makes you easily fooled. It also means that the smart people laugh at you and poke you with sticks to see what utter nonsense you come out with next. Silly old man

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