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Today is my 27th work anniversary
Jewish4eva2024xx - Ayer
Hilarious like Jos* not Joseph!!! 🤣 Sorry Jos
Jos4 - Ayer
Lmao and trying to figure out whose Joseph 🙄
Jos4 - Ayer
It's ok, Eva I'm used to it, always someone referencing me as Josh or Joe or Joseph, alls I think is they better have a vajaha or they ain't me. Lol
Jos4 - Ayer
Well I'll leave you ladies with your chat, happy to hear some are fairing well off line 🌷
Jewish4eva2024xx - Ayer
Jos,.lol it was.predictive text sorry
Jewish4eva2024xx - Ayer
I'm out too. Tx.Jos and Annie ❤️🌹
Jewish4eva2024xx - Ayer

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