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People are angry.
Tower7-G - Hace 23 horas
Hey dummy the main idea of the thread is you are angry because you keep losing elections. Trump called Mike Johnson crying saying create a bill that stops me from being a felon. Guess what? Mike Johnson sure tried
silly-willy - Hace 18 horas
The premise of this thread i that you are an angry mental midget. Plain and simple, no 2 ways about it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
silly-willy - Hace 18 horas
The premise of this thread is that you are an angry mental midget. Plain and simple, no 2 ways about it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
silly-willy - Hace 18 horas
The premise of this thread is that you are an angry mental midget. Plain and simple, no 2 ways about it, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
silly-willy - Hace 18 horas
Just remember, Orange man BAD.
Tower7-G - Hace 2 horas
Are you still thinking Trump is winning? Ppl think this man is completely crazy. The GOP has collapsed Mitch all but admitted by pretending it was something a brainwashed bigot could say to get respect back. You don't call chit smearing bigots warriors and patriots and win a American election
Tower7-G - Hace 2 horas
Now go peddle your bigotry in Germany
Tower7-G - Hace 2 horas
Go to the place of your heritage and act as racist as you want
silly-willy - hace 1 hora
You first, mental midget. It’s your idea so you go first, lead by example.
Loveena_philips - Hace 43 minutos
Hey handsome
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