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Australian prime minister has demanded Israel
Terry_Toons - 2024-06-05
He made a lot of points, the beheadings and grapes never happened, it was all Israeli regime propaganda.
Terry_Toons - 2024-06-05
One of his statements I remember well is him comparing Hamas to the French resistance during WWII, they'd attack the German troops who were infact invaders, he said sure some innocent civilians, women and children accidental get unalived and he said of course he was saddened by that...but anyhoo
Terry_Toons - 2024-06-05
Just watch it in it's entirety before critiquing it, if you please.
Terry_Toons - 2024-06-05
Terry_Toons - 2024-06-05
Stalin21 - 2024-06-05
The problem with that is too many respected journalists, some from media organisations sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, have seen and verified the evidence...
Terry_Toons - 2024-06-08
but where is the photographic evidence or even video footage? I mean in this day and age where everyone has a smart phone with video recording and camera abilities there's no actual photographic or video footage. That in itself is suspect. ijs
Terry_Toons - 2024-06-08
the same people who brought us the tales of the Weapons Of Mass Destruction, that never existed.
Stalin21 - 2024-06-08
The video evidence and testimony is being kept strictly under wraps. But international journalists have been allowed access. When the Guardian's own correspondents say they've seen it l tend to believe them. After all it's a long established pro Palestine newspaper...
Terry_Toons - 2024-06-08
that's the ones, The Guardian. On The US government payroll

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