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Hey Jill
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
You remember me from flirtomatic if you see this answer. Remember you called my wife then ruined my life?
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
We texted traded pics ,had a nasty text fight where you blocked me. It was 15 years ago. Remember?
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
Warning to all men.. do not trade pics with Jill you will get nightmares.
byronpt2 - 2024-05-29
Lmao u got caught and now ur crying. Man up.
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
It wasn't just about getting caught it was how maliciously she went about it.
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
She knows what she did. But will she admit it?
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
She revealed other things to my wife that got me sent to jail. Didn't you Jill. I know I was wrong cheating in my wife but the other stuff she didn't need to know. When I confronted her about it..there was a text war between us then she cowardly blocked me. Then she's on here acting like a victim. Crying poor me. Enough to make me vomit.
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
Does this ring a bell Jill. My mistake using my wife's phone to text you. But you could have lied played it off but no you had to admit everything and told her more than she needed to know. Viciously and maliciously. Jill isn't that sweet thing y'all think she is. I love it when her haters get on her. But those who say she's beautiful and good makes me sick
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
Waiting for Jill to appear to defend herself . She can tey.
Cellophone - 2024-05-29
Partycharlie - 2024-05-29
Cell is this you for real! Just asking?
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