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People are angry.
silly-willy - Ayer
You first, mental midget. It’s your idea so you go first, lead by example.
Loveena_philips - Hace 23 horas
Hey handsome
 34 M
Tower7-G - Hace 3 horas
Has it dawned on you Trump is disqualified? Has it ever been a 34 count criminal in the white house? Will a fortune 500 company ever hire someone 500 million in fraudat attached to them ? No No are your answer
Tower7-G - Hace 3 horas
It is over and the media doesn't want to tell you. They fear that 50.01% of racist rise up and overtake America. We have learned through history anything is possible in politics and if you are smart always attach your self with what is right and never sign on to stupid just because a majority does. Stupid ideas become popular because a racist placed a trap there. He wedged his race with a bad idea and convinced wrong way thinking ppl who they are is at stake and brain washed bigots believe it
Tower7-G - Hace 3 horas
That is why it all ends November 5th. All the lies will stop because Trump has lost America rejected him twice and he will wage war on the electoral process. Every brainwashed bigot will shift from it is rigged to it was stolen even when Joe Biden and a clear path to winning came way before election day. If a brain washed bigot said the Milwaukie is disgusting and everyone in Wisconsin said I'm voting Joe the fn election is over in your fn face
Tower7-G - Hace 3 horas
Someone finally woke up an started planning to not attend the convention because he knows after telling ppl he is going to get the judge the jury the prosecutor means you will be locked up on July 11th on exceptions. See being a complete maniac it your problem and just because you are the choice of lopsided thinking white ppl is your problem not mine they can vote for you while you are locked up.
Tower7-G - Hace 3 horas
He is a felon and you continue being welded to him is a example of your sickness. See no sane American would vote for Trump. That isn't just me saying it there is polling that proves it
Tower7-G - Hace 3 horas
Reality proves it. White supremacy is telling you it is a toss up when every brainwashed bigot knows they have to keep who they are hidden because there aren't enough of you. You need more ppl. Even being white with a a majority right wing court doesn't erase audio evidence of the crime you committed. Running for President being President doesn't make you immune from the law.
Tower7-G - Hace 3 horas
Some prison time has to happen because he keep running around America lying on Democracy and he has to pay. He has lied and radicalized America so bad brainwashed ppl think he will likey serve no time. SMH the man has a Supreme Court slow walking a case where treason could be on the table and they are holding it up on a lie lol
Tower7-G - Hace 3 horas
If I was the judge I would would give him 2 years and held without bond until all investigstions about a resolved

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