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Fathers day
righteoushomei - 2024-06-16
Word ! A tough day for children of blk absence fathers ...But take joy in knowing you can change this disgusting statistic by making the change of putting family above all .. Obama said it best " Stop being boys and become men ".Attend church help for the substance abuse ftom mj to alcohol nothing good comes from it ...Family above all ! Prayers for you on this Father's day .
righteoushomei - 2024-06-16
Word ! And not to say they are the only absence fathers but definitely in higher numbers.
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-16
Pray for yourself too for the hatred that fills your heart.
righteoushomei - 2024-06-16
Wishing for change is hate? Umm ok if you say so
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-16
Will you ever change the hate you have for me Eva and Dare and us rest? That's up to you. How can you expect anything else to change if your not willing to change whats in you?
righteoushomei - 2024-06-16
Word ! No hate here ...never use the word or show signs of it towards anyone in here or rl .Just observations which you seem to portray as hate ...That is ur problem not mine ...
righteoushomei - 2024-06-16
Very judgemental u are...js ...
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-16
Observations you judge without knowing the full story. And not truthful.
righteoushomei - 2024-06-16
Anyway as usual jil attempts to make it about her her her....The narcissist comes out again...
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-16
It takes one to know one
Nanajillx2 - 2024-06-16
How is it about me? Misjudging again

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