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Well Hello
Terry_Toons - hace 1 hora
Terry_Toons - hace 1 hora
how's it going Missy? hope you are keeping well
DareToBe - hace 1 hora
Lol at me obsessed. You got that excited at seeing me post you had to comment firstly then say hello to your mate. Seems you have your priorities confused lol
 55 H
Terry_Toons - hace 1 hora
just popped in to say hello. I didn't know that old Bill could ride a skateboard, pretty gnarly dude. COWABUNGA DUDE
Terry_Toons - hace 1 hora
I see Chuck wagon was here too talking about drama, that would be the obsessed ones department. Speaking of drama, I wonder what Chuck was in
Terry_Toons - hace 1 hora
jail for 5 years for. had to be something serious, you don't get 5 years upstate for Jay walking
Terry_Toons - hace 1 hora
anyhoooo I gotta fly, I can't stay around here online all day like others do. see ya Missy, have a lovely evening. ciao
Terry_Toons - hace 1 hora
Jewish4evax - Hace 59 minutos
Come on, Terry. U gotta be fair. Stalin said it once but he likes Dare and has no ill will towards him. He said it on passing. Dare didn't start this fight on his own. All of us should take responsibility and hold accountability. That includes u and I as well, Terry. U say u wanna leave stuff in the past, and start a new. Let's do it. I've decided to let Missy and Dare fight. Only those 2 cam resolve it. So,.let's please start over. All of us
Daretobdiferent - Hace 3 minutos
Dare didn't start any fight. And Dare isn't fighting. Quite frankly the two of them like to have their little trys but I've been quite happy stirring the stew back at times. Bit if you think I'm going to give respect to two that went out of their way to spread as many lies as those two have, you've got to be kidding. I've told everyone my problem with Tharonce. He's a creepy that I outed. Rusty makes me laugh but she really hasn't got a clue what reality is outside a chat site. But good on her.
 55 H

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