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Selective services.
Cel6 - Hace 4 días
This ain't got nothing to do about my time I serve for my country this is about women who do not have to register with selective services but yet they can reap the same benefits through the armed forces without signing up for selective service. That's what this topic is about stay on track. T.
 48 H
Cel6 - Hace 4 días
Let's just face it man women want equal rights equal pay but they don't want to have equal responsibility to be part of selective service in the event of a draft and they have to be drafted to fight and more so how should they be able to get all of the benefits that the armed forces have to offer but yet they don't have to commit to selective service in the event of war.
 48 H
Cel6 - Hace 4 días
As of right now it's on the table with Congress in America have women register with selective service at the age 18 just like men have to. So get ready women you can be drafted to be all you can be!!
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Cel6 - Hace 4 días
The Free Ride is almost over women.
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Cel6 - Hace 4 días
But you don't have to worry Jill you're too old to be drafted, no offense old lady.
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Carebearjill - Hace 4 días
I know but still not sure I feel about it with women in general.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - Hace 4 días
Oh I'm sorry my bag, the Marines. Semper Fi.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - Hace 4 días
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your topic. Great topic man.
MAYE_I_TUTCHEM - Hace 4 días
Great point you make, if they want equal pay then it should be equal everything.
Carebearjill - Hace 4 días
That's right

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