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People are angry.
Tower7-G - Hace 14 horas
The lying atmosphere in America right now is a right wing republican
Tower7-G - Hace 14 horas
You can play stupid all you want. Americans don't bring a felon to Washington and start this brainwashed clapping
Tower7-G - Hace 14 horas
The lie you allowed to live is amazing . Society could know you are living a complete and give you comfort. Trump had you do it and because your mind is gone you stood there clapping until he left the room. Boot licking bigots
Tower7-G - Hace 14 horas
Dr. Phil did it and lost all credibility in the medical field now the brainwashed bigot is screaming he is being canceled. No Dr. Phil you aren't being canceled you simply got exposed
Tower7-G - Hace 14 horas
You let Donald Trump pretend he was right. You let him say lying numbers was a reason he was leading in polls he was losing in. Lol polls don't even matter because 34 felony charges are awaiting sentencing
Tower7-G - Hace 14 horas
Instead of telling him he could wind up locked up you tell him he is doing so good he should be running unopposed lol you let a brainwashed bigot say revenge is warranted
Tower7-G - Hace 14 horas
You said he needs to get right and he ignored you with a fn smile
silly-willy - Hace 13 horas
Mental midget, you are too good at the game for me to play.
Joyce_Noble - hace 1 hora
anger issues...
Joyce_Noble - hace 1 hora
anger management...

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