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People are angry.
House-Money - Hace 2 horas
To win a debate you must tell the truth dummy
silly-willy - Hace 2 horas
Biden has a problem even doing that, mental midget. But keep making things up as you go along, it's funny watching you squirm and rant like a mental midget
SICK-WITTED - hace 1 hora
Lol @ "the truth" 🫵😆👈 when has a Democrat ever?
 54 H
SICK-WITTED - hace 1 hora
Lmao @ your partisan ways
 54 H
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Wow ppl have litterally lost.their mind. They are equating a person being a brainwashed insane anything saying person to a old feeble man who still can think. White supremacy is so sick and completely broken it has completely engulfed anything thinking ppl to the point a coup never happen bigots smearing chit on walls is denied
House-Money - hace 1 hora
You say it is Nancy Pelosi fault when it took how many takes did it take to get the bigot off the couch you mean to tell me everyone ignored 34 felonies watched a bigot tell you we endorse murder when he said hang Mike Pence. There is no such thing as blk jobs bigot the media just.plays stupid and let him radicalize.white America
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Nothing but lies and print media just let the bigot go on and on and on
House-Money - hace 1 hora
He hashed Hispanics for 90 minutes earning the name white ppl radicalizing bigot
House-Money - hace 1 hora
Mexicana666 - hace 1 hora
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