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The Elon Muck Report
supereddie - Hace 39 minutos
Oh so now you thing you can paint pictures. Next you will be calling yourself Hunter Biden
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 38 minutos
You just be careful you don't paint yourself into a corner.
 67 H
Djack7-18 - Hace 22 minutos
Biden doesn't need a pardon until there's evidence of a crime, Eddie. All they've found after 18 months of investigations, is that they haven't found anything.
Djack7-18 - Hace 22 minutos
And yes, fake electors is a felony.
Partycharlie - Hace 22 minutos
Wondering what happened to your other side kick okie dokie I haven't saw him on here in a while he stuck on stupid to
 59 H
Partycharlie - Hace 12 minutos
If Hunter go to jail so beat it I care less he sounds like the kind think stupid oh my last name hunter so I. gonna get me some guns duh! Look at the guy that attacked ex house speaker Nancy husband that was stupid he got 30 years for that I know he regret doing that
 59 H
Partycharlie - Hace 8 minutos
U.S need to wake the heck up what's wrong with these people I'm born here but admit it's not good what been going on
 59 H
Partycharlie - Hace 8 minutos
 59 H
supereddie - Hace 4 minutos
Where are these fake electors. I thought he had alternative electric that is legal as it can be. If it was a crime they would not be digging up old 1800s laws that no one has ever used
 67 H
supereddie - Hace 1 minutos
Heck man would not surprise me if the next crime was from an old law from the 17teen hundreds
 67 H

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