Comentarios de Stalin5 (34) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Jealous of what? A silly little boy with a spaz face? A needy old woman who manipulates weak men to feed her ego? Or a screaming harridan with absolutely no self control? Ain't nobody jealous of that! - 2023-10-15
I'm not the one who can't control myself. That would be you lot. It might help if you all stopped begging for attention quite so much... - 2023-10-14
I'm not the one who can't control myself. That would be you lot. It might help if you all stopped begging for attention quite so much... - 2023-10-14
I can read people like books. You're really not happy living in your own head and all this childish aggression is just a projection of that - 2023-10-14
Is that supposed to offend me? You're as toothless as your tard friend - 2023-10-14
You're not on anything. You're just making a fool of yourself for my entertainment. In the real world you probably need therapy. You're not right in the head - 2023-10-14
It's all true. And the only drama is yours. You're very emo - 2023-10-14
But I'll still be on your mind. You're quite obsessed with me. And who can blame you - 2023-10-14
She's out with the girls at a coffee morning planning an upcoming hen night if you must know. I'll disappear when she's back and airG will be completely forgotten about.. - 2023-10-14
You're being destroyed, you silly little girl. I'm just giving you the rope to hang yourself with - 2023-10-14
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